Part 30: Chapter 12x: Saint Jagen (Battle)
Chapter 12x: Saint Jagen (Battle)This chapter is pretty simple, so lets just get it done.

Dejaniras face is absolutely horrifying.

Horace seems uninterested. By the way, Horaces portrait changes in the sequel

His eyes just get wider. Thats the only change. I like to think hes slowly been getting more and more surprised as the years go on.

Marth has a bit of a hidden passive movement ability, in that he can cross these one tile rivers. He cant walk on oceans like Pirates, but this is still situationally handy.

Combined with the abilities of our actual pirate, the nearest two enemies are down without much of an issue at the start of the map.

Afterwards, Im splitting the group. Your more powerful units will probably want to be on the right. As will Marth, because thats where the villages are.

This conversation is triggered at the end of the player phase on the first turn.

If your hint sirens arent blaring here, you may not have played a lot of Fire Emblem before.

Even as a Hero, Sedgar doesnt really pump out damage, but he doesnt really die either. So it works out.

Be wary of the two moving mages here, theyre dangerous just by virtue of being mages in Shadow Dragon, the game where nobody ever gains a Resistance point.

Then again, theyre also mages, so theyre easy to cut up, even without a dedicated tool. Athena demonstrates by julienning this man into convenient strips.

Ogma finishes off the Cavalier for a very sad level.

The right side continues to push up, because believe it or not, those first two enemies were all you have to worry about on the left for now!

The Archanean soldiers here all belong to Horaces group. If you aggro one of them, they will attack, and this is bad news, as Horace will join them. Thankfully, you can skirt around their attack ranges, as the game seems to helpfully hint at by gluing this Knight in place.

This Archer isnt with Horace, though.

Im gonna fuck up that Archer.

Whoa, you were supposed to shoot Dolph! Not cool.

Yikes. Theres pretty much the only thing that will threaten you on this map.

And hes brought a friend. Be careful not to get into the Archanean Knights attack range. You can be in the Cavaliers ranges, or even Horaces, without them attacking, but for some reason the Knights specifically count. This maps a little wonky like that.

Sedgar was just getting bored, so I gambled a little. It paid off!

With the mages out of the way, Marth can visit this village. Which is definitely the only one on this map. Just clarifying.

Hogwash is a great word.

Well, we wont be using it on this map, but it is pretty good. Its the Lance version of the Killing Edge, as you probably guessed.

Sedgar saunters forth, Devil Axe at the ready. Please ignore that strange formation of forest that looks like a village.
Instead, focus on what a cruel trap that Save Point is.

I got obscenely lucky here (That huge gap in screenshot titles is for a DIFFERENT reason.), Sedgar hit twice with the Devil Axe and didnt take a hit from the Manakete.

Frey can lure out the bow wielders now. Dejanira doesnt move, so these seem like the last real threats. This map is sort of a pushover, yeah.

So long as you dont step into this area, you should be fine. I think. Pretty sure.

This sniper is notable for having a better weapon than the boss hes right next to. Cmon, Dejanira.

A level, but not a dead Sniper. Ill need a finisher.

Unfortunately, the fearsome reinforcements have arrived! Pirate with an Iron Axe.

Meanwhile this pirate will get here eventually. Setup.



Maybe Athena can succeed where Penvo failed. Im not attacking this turn, just getting in position.

Actually, its three, the one in the fort south of here showed up again. Apparently if you let the map go much longer, the other forts start to generate them as well.

Well need our defenses at full strength to accost our aquatic adversaries.

Jagens now officially gained more Magic than most of my natural magic classes in these games. Dammit, Lena.

Athena didnt quite finish Dejanira, but Marth takes care of it. Once the boss dies, reinforcements also quit spawning, but we do have those three Pirates still up.

Deploy the welcome wagon!

Goodbye, Welcome Wagon.

Still, they dont last long after that.

Now, youll get the good ending to this map (and a new unit) if you finish it without killing Horace.
But that DOES only apply to Horace.

Nobody said anything about his men.

What I do, I do for the experience points.


Fade out

And were at the castle now.

nobody tell him


Give her a second, shell be up in a bit for this cutscene.

I dont think Nyna knows how this army operates, like half of our forces tried to kill us at one point.

Wow, Nyna, lay off of it a bit.

Maps done!

Now, if I were to put a second village in this map, one that might easily be missed on the second take of an LP would say something like this.

And Jagen would totally say it, and then give you a Blizzard tome. Theoretically.

Horace has some pretty damn strong base stats for this point in the game. This is good, because hell need them, his growths are horrible. His highest is a 15 in Luck.. Still hes pretty usable, especially on Normal.
Next time we do what might be the worst chapter in the game.
Bonus Content
Theres no Horace card.

The Assistant Leader of the Wolf Knights, Sedgar